A conversation before marriage…
He : Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She : Do you want me to leave?
He : No! Don’t even think about it.
She : Do you love me?
He : Of course! Over and over!
She : Have you ever cheated on me?
He : No! Why are you even asking?
She : Will you kiss me?
He : Every chance I get.
She : Will you hit me?
He : Are you crazy! I’m not that kind of person!
She : Can I trust you?
He : Yes.
She : Darling!
To read a conversation after marriage, simply read this in reverse…
sumber : Joke of The Day
edy :
Garing yah Mas 🙂
DYah :
Alhamdulillah sudah Dyah.
Cuma harus jaga-jaga.
Pritha :
Prithaaaaaaaa, kangen, kemana aja neng, kok ngak pernah kumpul2 lagi sama kita.
Udah coba lagi ? hehehehehe
Pertamax udah turun :p
meyrinda :
terusan apa Mey ? Panjang x lebar 😀
Indah Sitepu :
agustusnugroho :
Benar ngak, Mas Nug ? *kabur ah*
Dini :
Ogah kalau titisan mama loreng, gw maunya Mayangsari ^_^
Sumpah, ngak sengaja, gw iseng aja.
mbak in, kenapa seh your posting often up to date with recently what happen in my life?
lo titisan mama loreng yah ? hqhqhqhq
Hahaha.. that was funy.. 🙂
mudah2an nanti tidak begitu hehehheheh
keduaxx? asikk
mba, ini terusannya manaa?
ini bukannya udah pernah di posting….??
Oh…oh… segala huru-hara tentang pernikahan emang seru!
Aku juga nulis tema yang sama lho kali ini 🙂
Slamat Idul Adha Mba Indah…
hahaha…..bisa aja!
Sudah sembuh yaaa? hehe…sukur deh.
I miss u too loh Ndah 🙂
😆 ada-ada aja…