โEvery time you post something online, you have a choice.
You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the worldโor you can make it something that takes awayโ ~ Zoe Sugg
Siapa tahu ada yang mau #OneDay #OnePost, atau kekurangan ide buat nulis/bikin postingan blog, tips berikut ini katanya bisa mengatasi ‘Writer/Blogging Block’ ๐
Ide-ide yang berasal dari sumber http://www.thesitsgirls.com/writing-prompts/ ini bisa dipakai untuk postingan, atau menjadi sumber ide untuk kita rangkai menjadi suatu postingan ciamik ala Sahabat Blogger ๐
Berikut idenya, tapi dalam bahasa Inggris ya. Artiin aja pakai Google Translate ๐
- Share one goal you want to achieve this month.
- Free write for 7 minutes โ and publish without editing.
- Have you traced your family tree?
- Whatย is your favorite source of news?
- How do you like your pizza (and do you call it a pizza pie)?
- When was the last time you received a handwritten letter?
- Happy Labor Day! Tell us the most important thing you learned during your first job.
- International Literacy Day โ celebrate by sharing some of your favorite books, or letting us know what you plan to read this fall.
- Tell us what family game night looks like in your world.
- At the end of a long day, what do you do to relax?
- What is on your music playlist right now?
- Do you make your bed when you get up in the morning or leave it since you will just mess it up again that night?
- Have you ever had jury duty?
- Did you have a special pet when you were a child?
- How do you make the perfect cheeseburger?
- If you were going to be stuck in an elevator for two hours, who would you want with you?
- What does it mean to be a good neighbor?
- What fear have you conquered?
- It is Talk Like A Pirate Day! Give us a pirate tale.
- Do you have a funny camping story? Or maybe some great tips to make camping fun?
- How have your friendships with other women inspired you, or helped you to become a better you?
- What is your favorite thing about your yard?
- Itโs the first day of fall. Do you feel a chill in the air? Tell us what you are most looking forward to about fall.
- Are you the same person you were last year? Five years ago? Ten years ago? Tell us how you have (or havenโt) changed.
- Share your favorite breakfast recipe.
- Do you still live in the town where you were born? Why or why not?
- Which one of the seven dwarfs do you most identify with?
- Tell us about your writing process โ do you like music or quiet, is there a special place you go to work, do you type from the beginning or write notes with a pen and paper first?
- Did you catch lightning bugs when you were a child?
- What is your daily beauty routine?
Untuk hari-hari nasional atau perayaan/peringatan sesuatu disesuaikan saja sama dengan yang di Indonesia atau daerah tempat tinggal teman-teman. Seperti di Yogya, saat ini sedang berlangsung Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta (FKY) yang banyak acara bagusnya ๐
Sahabat Blogger tertarik dengan prompts ini? Silakan lho, tapi jangan lupa nulis sumber aslinya yang pakai keminggris itu ya ๐
Aku kekurangan ide buat nulis judul nya nich lalu buntu mau nulis apa hahaha
Aku biasanya dicatetin di notebook tapi kendalanya kalo udh ilang idenya udh males nulisnya lagi mak. Biasanya idenya dateng pas mau tidur, tengah malem suka udh males n ngantuk buka laptop kendalanya, hiks..
aku dulu tempel2 di pinggir LCD monitor hihihi
smp skrg blom bisa wandeywanpost hiksss
kalau aku ide banyaaak waktunya yang ngg selalu pas nih makpuh..musti bagi prioritas dengan kaeluarga dan kantor ๐
Great ideas nih makk untuk one day one post. Tapi kayaknya ini cocok untuk blog random ya makk,, niche beaity seperti saya ini masa posting berjudul seperti ini hehehe..
One day one post ini ide yang bagus makk.. Aku pengen nyoba, tapi ini lebih cocok untuk blog random ya makk? Niche ku beauty sih, biasa posting cuma 2x dalam semingguu hehehe..
onedayonepost ku sekarang menurun mak..sepertinya harus semangat lagi nih…
Untuk sementara hanya bisa konsiten dalam satu minggu nulis 5 tulisan. Sabtu dan Minggu untuk mencari ide tulisan ๐
Wah, menarik! ๐
Dulu pernah one day one post, dan lumayanlah. Minimal kepekaan menangkap ide bisa meningkat ๐
Pengin lagi …
Aku masih ada list tulisan sendiri sih, berjejer…
Tapi tapi belum mood lagi nulisnya :)))
Makasih ya, mak Injul sharingnya. Belum bisa one day one post sih tapi beberapa ide di atas sepertinya menarik untuk dieksekusi.
Gleeekk aku belum kuat mak kalau one day one post ๐
boleh juga idenya mbak, buat di blog aku satunya ๐ Seneng deh bak indah udah mulai posting lagi jadi aku bisa mampir lagi kesini
Terima kasih Mba Injul…bermanfaat banget ini mah
Pengen ikutan, tapiiiii….. ?
Hahahaha, jangaaaan, nanti aku ada saingannya ๐
aduuhhhh mak Indaaaah…dirimu tuuuh , sulit untuk disaingi maaaaak…saya mah apa atuh, masih belajar, tulisannya pun ngga “berisi” hihi…maluuuuu….